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Owning Mahowny (2003), The Truth About Gambling Addiction

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Have you ever imagined the world of gambling and banking to coexist? If not, watch the gambling film entitled Owning Mahowny. This review movie Owning Mahowny will try to uncover the connection.

Gambling movies often focus only focusing on the grandeur of Vegas. Or the big money rollers who always get big. And big wins. But Owning Mahowny took a completely different approach to the subject. In a film that caught a lot of critics upon release, this film tell a story about gambling addiction.

What is more interesting is that this film was adapted directly from a true story. This cinema dedicated to gambling is about the biggest scam in Canada.

Review Movie Owning Mahowny (2003) : Synopsis

Dan Mahoney was entrusted with getting access to the biggest accounts in the bank he work at by his own boss. His employer belief will get Mahoney promoted so that he can be promoted. But Mahoney is a cool player and his boss doesn’t know it.

This story then follows the twists and turns of the action, as Mahowny gambles and continues to get into more trouble for himself. Her boyfriend, who also works at the bank, is aware of a significant problem in his life. But even she wasn’t sure what really happened, which remained hidden from the authorities and her employer for some time.

When police begin investigating Mahowny bookmakers on unrelated grounds, Mahowny’s gambling is exposed, leading to a straight trail back to the bank.

The story follows his downfall, when Mahowny is caught, and his life goes from bad to very bad. A rather intense hour, the plot is a gripping tale, and the perfect backdrop for the cast’s impressive performance.

Review Movie Owning Mahowny (2003)

This film follows the journey of Dan Mahowny, a bank employee who gets a promotion to become assistant manager at a new branch. After earning the trust of his employer during a long and loyal career, Mahowny was seen as a prime candidate for the role.

East is East Review

owning mahowny
Movie Soundtrack


Behind the scenes, however, Mahowny is a compulsive gambler, with significant personal problems. This quickly turned into Mahowny siphoning off money from the bank, which he took with him to gamble on his way to Atlantic City.



You will enjoy this film if you like mind-stimulating stories, or you are interested in the true stories that underpin this film. The story structure allows for impressive character development, and Seymour Hoffman’s realistic portrayal is intense at the points – almost enough to make for uncomfortable viewing.

This is not an easy film to watch, and you really feel the characters involved, and their lives as a direct effect of the protagonist’s actions are revealed. Probably not the film you want to watch if you want to party, it’s worth watching if you’re a serious film buff, or you’re interested in capturing a live portrait of Philip Seymour Hoffman’s incredible work.

No wonder this film will surprise you when you see the players who have access and privileges.

Source :

Read more: The 25 Best Gambling Movies of All Time


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